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Me Too Movement

Updated: Dec 3, 2018

Background Information

The Me Too Movement is a movement that unites women in the fight against sexual assault and harassment. The movement brings awareness to the issue of sexual abuse and gives women a voice to speak out against the problem. It is an important outlet for women who have been sexually assaulted to connect with each other and find help. The program helps survivors with aid on the road to recovery and provides knowledge of laws and statistics that address sexual violence. By learning about the situation women are better equipped to support and empower each other.


The movement began with Tarana Burke in 2006, when she began to use the phrase "me too". Tarana Burke is an African-American civil rights activist from New York. Her use of the phrase later influenced the American actress, Alyssa Milano, to popularize the hashtag "me too" on twitter in 2017. Milano encouraged victims of sexual abuse or harassment to speak up and join the movement by using the hashtag. Many significant celebrities began to join in the movement such as Jennifer Lawrence, Ashley Judd, and Uma Thurman.


The Me Too Movement is a positive form of social media and technology that brings awareness and support to sexual assault and the victims. Women around the world have the ability to access the information because it is online and spreads throughout the globe. The Me Too Movement is an example of how social media outlets can unite massive numbers of people all in support for a good cause.

Social Media Affect

Social media has been a solid platform that has given feminists movements the ability to evolve. Women have used social media to express their displeasure with how lenient the system is towards sexual offenders, gender inequality, and discrimination. Hashtags are a main feature people use to implement social change all over the world. Some well known hashtags are: #MeToo, #Feminism, and #ThisIsNotConsent .

Connections to Feminism

The Me Too Movement connects to feminism because it shows empowerment and support among women.  Feminism is the awareness of women’s rights for equality in society and the Me Too Movement reflects this important ideal in society.  It shows women that they are not alone.  Many have been through traumatic situations and knowing that they have a strong support system is incredibly important.  The Me Too Movement unites and connects women in the fight for equality of the sexes with the basis of the internet.  This way, women all around the world can stay connected and join the growing movement.  Women are powerful and strong.  The Me Too Movement embodies that strength and shows it to the world.


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